Grant & Scholarship Donation


Donate to our Grant & Scholarship Fund to carry on the work of entomologists, innovators, and enthusiasts around the world!

$0.00 of $1,000.00


Our Grant & Scholarship program is funded by profits from
โ€“ย Our store
โ€“ย Expedition Entomology
โ€“Your Donations
Because our pool of funds comes in sporadically, we only open for applications when the fund exceeds $1,000.
100% of donated funds, less processing fees, will be added to our pool and distributed once our fund meets or exceeds $1,000.

Who Can Apply?

Anyoneโ€ฆ literally anyone. Researchers, field stations, individuals, students, NGOs, chefs, writers, artists. If you need funding for any project that provides value in the field of entomology, apply!


Disclaimer: Unfortunately, donations for our fund do not qualify as tax-deductible. We are not a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization, even if we do operate like one.


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